Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A Guide To: Staying Awake During Mass

    Let’s face it, Mass is no extra innings of Game 7 of the World Series. The likelihood of dosing off is much higher when watching the priest celebrate Mass, but why?
    Mass was never supposed to be a spectator event. The Mass is a prayer that we should be actively participating in. This goes beyond the responses (many of us can say them in our sleep). There is listening involved as well.
    The things said at Mass can often go in one ear and out the other. The reader may have a monotone voice, or big words may throw us off or cause our mind to go off on a tangent. So how can we change this? Take a look at the readings ahead of Mass (it takes less than 10 minutes at Reflect on them. If you want to go further, think of a homily, then compare it to the priest/deacon’s homily. That’s half the Mass right there. What about the rest of it you ask?
    Right when you sit/kneel in the pew, pray, “Alright God, what do you want me to get out of Mass today?” Then listen. The second part of Mass has some silent time to reflect on what God shared with you. You may be thinking “what if God doesn’t give me a word/phrase?” He will. He wants you at Mass. The question is, are you prepared to hear it?

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