Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Sacrifice...What's That?

Sacrificing seems to be a thing of the past. Now a sacrifice is looked at as giving up your smartphone for 20 minutes #FirstWorldProblems. When we sacrifice something, it’s more of that thing being taken from us rather than us giving it away. That’s not a true sacrifice. A sacrifice is giving something without expecting anything in return.
In Genesis 4:2-7, Abel sacrificed the best of his flock. He did this because God blessed him with so much, and he wanted to show his gratitude. His brother, Cain, just gave “an offering.” Cain was jealous of Abel because Abel received more blessings than Cain due to the quality of sacrifice. So much anger grew in Cain that he murdered his brother Abel because Cain felt he wasn’t receiving enough attention from God.
This scripture passage confused me for years. If God loves each of us fully, why was he nicer to Abel than to Cain? God revealed the answer while I was in seminary…it wasn’t Abel’s sacrifice that pleased God, it was Abel’s trust in God. Cain didn’t receive as many blessings because he was relying on himself to provide. He never gave God the opportunity to care for him. Cain was always like “I got this.”
10,000 years later and nothing has changed. When you attend Mass, how much do you participate in the sacrifice? Are you saying your part of the dialogue? Are you focusing on the readings, what’s happening on the altar, etc? Or are you checking your phone, planning this week’s events, daydreaming, checking out the cutie three rows in front of you? What you put into Mass is typically what you get out of the Mass. It’s not because God doesn’t want to reveal himself to you, it’s because you’re wearing blinders not even allowing God to work in you.
This week in Mass, leave your phone, wallet, purse, whatever distracts you during Mass, in the car. If you feel sinful, go to Reconciliation (we all sin, this just shows your humility in admitting it). If you get distracted by looking at people, sit near the front, close your eyes, pinch yourself every time you look away. Once you get rid of these distractions (it may take a month or more), you will experience the Mass in a new light, and it is awesome.

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