Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Mass: Workout Edition

If I were to tell you that the Mass is set up just like a workout routine, would you believe me? I know it seems crazy, but just like a workout helps your body, Mass helps your spirit. So where are these similarities?
Let's start big, muscle confusion has become more and more popular. It's changing up routines every couple weeks/months so the body doesn't become complacent. The Mass has 6 different seasons (Advent, Christmas, Lent, Triduum, Easter, and Ordinary Time). Each season compliments the others, but focus on different parts. For example, Lent is the time we are to focus on preparing ourselves for Heaven. We are called to pray, fast, and serve others during this time. Easter and Christmas are celebrations. So we focus on the joys of life.
Another way Mass and workouts go together is that they both have a warmup, workout, and cool down. Warmup is the opening song and prayers. From the blessing to the Penitential Rite (Lord have mercy), it is preparing us for the next step of the readings and Gospel. The Mass climaxes at the Eucharist. Once we receive Christ, we have a cool down of personal prayer and a blessing.
When it comes to working out, people say “I'm too busy. I’m tired. I wouldn't have a good workout anyway." Same things are said for Mass, "I can't go this week, too busy, not feeling well, etc." A bad workout is better than no workout at all. Even if you have difficulty focusing at Mass, it is still beneficial. But the most efficient way to grow spiritually is being involved when you attend Mass. It isn't a performance. We are a part of the Mass through our responses and body gestures. We stand when we pray, sit when we learn, and kneel for Christ in the Eucharist.
Every word/gesture was placed in the Mass for a reason. It is the most perfect form of prayer we can have on Earth. In fact, for that one hour, we’re a part of Heaven. But that’s another article.

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