Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Mass as a Wedding Feast

I know what you’re thinking, “come on, Jason. I’ve been to weddings, there’s no partying that goes on at Mass.” Well duh, that happens after in Heaven. But let’s set the scene. The Bible begins with the wedding of Adam and Eve, and it ends with a wedding feast in the book of Revelations. The Bible is known as “the greatest love story ever told.” How could we connect it to a wedding though?
Well, there’s no doubt that God’s crazy about us. He’s been wooing us for over 10,000 years. His favorite words to us are “come back” and “don’t be afraid.” Jesus’ first miracle was helping to keep a wedding party going, but that’s not what’s impressive to me. What impresses me is God’s commitment to us no matter how much we act like a runaway bride.
God leads the Israelites out of slavery. They begin to worship a golden calf. God forgave them. When they were complaining about not having meat, God gave them quail. So much that they ate until they were sick. An adulterer was about to be stoned; Jesus said “Let he who is without sin throw the first stone.” When the woman was spared, he encouraged her to live a sinless life. The entire Bible is filled with God calling us to return to him.
Mass is an invitation for us to be united with Christ through the Eucharist. When we don’t attend Sunday Mass, it’s rejecting God’s open invitation for communion with him. It’s like leaving a groom at the altar. God has already planned the photographer, live band, banquet hall, sent the invitations, all we need to do is accept his offer by walking down the aisle to receive him and sharing the experience with others.

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