Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Divine Mercy

    This Sunday is Mercy Sunday...wait, that doesn't seem right...oh yeah, this Sunday we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday. Divine means "of God." So this Sunday is a time to celebrate God's endless mercy towards us. So how can we fully enter into this Divine Mercy Sunday? Simple, by celebrating the sacrament of Reconciliation, and accepting God's forgiveness.
    Reconciliation was never meant to be a shame thing. The priest doesn't torture a confession out of you. It's more like cleaning your room. It feels overwhelming at first, but once you start it's not as bad, and by the end you enjoy the results of a clean room. Reconciliation cleans the soul. It is humbling yourself to reconnect with Christ.
    Christ knows what you've done, and is ready to forgive you, but he wants you to accept his forgiveness. Remember apologizing to your parents? It's terrifying at first, but after the apology and your parents' instant forgiveness, you feel a weight lifted off of your shoulders, even if you get grounded. This is because you know that the relationship between you and your parents has began it's healing process. In the confessional, we are laying down our pride so that we have the grace to accept God's forgiveness and move on in our lives. Does God's mercy stop after so many confessions? No.
    Divine Mercy is like Niagara Falls. You'd think with all the water that falls, eventually all the water will be at the bottom and it will no longer be a waterfall, but the flow is endless. God will always forgive you. No matter what you've done. He would forgive the Devil himself if Lucifer were humble enough to ask for it. With that kind of mercy ready to be given, who wouldn't want to go to Reconciliation?

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