Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Who Would Easter Thank?

    Easter is the time to celebrate Christ's resurrection. But if Easter were to win a Grammy, Easter would have to thank the events of Good Friday for making the Resurrection possible. Think about it, Jesus had to die before he could rise from the dead. How weird would it be celebrating Jesus rolling out of bed on Sunday? We wouldn't. We'd still be waiting for a savior.
    Suffering happens throughout our entire lives. It doesn't mean that you're an evil person, or that God is punishing you. Christ, God's only son, lived in poverty, was hated by many, and died a criminal's death. And because of that, "God greatly exalted him and gave him the name above every name (Philippians 2:9)." Christ stuck it out through the hard times because he knew what was awaiting him at the end.
    When we're suffering, we have the opportunity to suffer with Christ. Because of Christ, when we die, we know that it is not the end and that we will rise with Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:55 says "Death has lost its sting." It doesn't mean that we throw a party for those who die or get sick, but we take comfort that God loves us and wants us to be with him. So use the suffering as a time to grow closer with Christ as he suffers right next to you saying "My God, my God, why have you abandoned me (Matt 27:46, Psalm 22)."
    Next time you have an accomplishment, make sure to thank the suffering that made it possible. Good grades are the result of good study habits. Each soccer goal is brought to you through the practices and conditioning that proceeded it. Suffering now is so that something greater can happen. Sometimes it's in this lifetime, but rest assured that it will have a profound effect in eternity.

- For gold is tested in fire. Sirach 2:5

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