Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Your Personalized Path To Heaven

    Us Catholics believe that Christ died for us and that we have the goal of getting to Heaven. But when it comes to Heaven, the path to get there is a little bit different for each of us. For some people it's as if they just pop up there without any struggles, for others it seems their entire life is one tragedy after the next. Where's the consistency, God?!?!?!
    The consistency is that God knows you, loves you, and wants you in Heaven with him. But we all struggle with certain virtues in our lives. Whether it's patience, prudence, justice, fortitude, or courage, the lack of any of these shows that we are not ready for Heaven. So God, wants to change that. He wants us to be as "Heaven Ready" as possible as we near the end of our earthly life. So he gives us opportunities to work on them. An example of this is when you receive bad grades, then your parents ground you from TV and friends for two weeks. It takes away those distractions allowing you to focus on homework (prudence).
    In short, each of us has a different path to get to Heaven. And each one is filled with different challenges allowing us to grow in virtue. Just because there are many paths does not mean the road is easy. It means that God personalized your road to best fit your abilities.

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