Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

We, Not Me

    Humility is putting others before yourself...but who would want to do that? Once or twice maybe, but always putting others before yourself means you're destined to be living in a van down by the river!!! Not exactly. When someone tells us to put others first, we hear that we need to drop ourselves to the bottom of our priorities. But what if rather than lowering ourselves, we raised everyone up?
    Humility isn't thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less. For example, rather than having that last piece of pizza, saving it for your friend who couldn't get to the party early enough. Or asking someone if they'd like a drink when entering your house. In basketball, if your teammate falls, you run over to pick him up. When someone is speaking, you actually listen to them rather than talking over them or playing on your phone. These are all examples of putting others before you without lowering yourself.
    Putting other's first isn't exactly rocket science...but there is some science to it. "Feel good" chemicals like dopamine and endorphins are release into your brain when you care for another person. Yeah, God gives us rewards when helping others. God's pretty awesome like that. So the more you help others, the happier you will become. It doesn't mean doing sinful things for others, but simply seeing and caring for others as a child of God. 

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