Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The God Shaped Hole

    We all have a hole in our hearts that we try to fill. We try to fill it with events, food, gossip, lies, TV, YouTube, money, etc, but it never gets filled. And that causes us to have anxiety and go into freakout mode. "Maybe if I was as pretty as her, or as popular as him. Or I wish more exciting things happened to me!" These thoughts puts us into a heavy tailspin headed right towards Depressionville.
    We try to fill our hearts with these superficial things that gives us happiness for a moment, but ultimately leaves us empty inside. But wait, there's good news!!! The thing that can fill the hole in our hearts doesn't cost a thing and can be found everywhere. That one thing is God. How could it be anything else? God designed you with a specific purpose. When you allow God into your life, you are able to hear his plans for you. This level of connection between Creator and creation is like playing a video game with all the cheat codes and secrete passages given to you at the right times.
    What we struggle with is listening to God. God has a tendency to give directions like "turn here" with very little warning. If you're like me, you like to have a little warning. We want God to tell us after every little step "yup, keep going." That is why we fill this God shaped whole with superficial things, because we get nervous. If you pray regularly and strive to live a Christian life, when something different is supposed to happen in your life, God will tell you. It could be like a tap on the shoulder or a 2 by 4 across the face, but God will definitely get that message to you.

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