Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Game of Life

    Life is a game and God is the coach...wait, what? Let’s compare us to a swimmer. A swimmer’s goal is to improve throughout the season. They do this through hours and hours of practice and constant critiquing by their coach. If a swimmer has great upper body strength, but isn’t using their legs, a good coach will focus on getting them to use their legs (perhaps through a use of a kickboard). A swimmer needs to constantly be improving to continue to be competitive. If someone is content with how they swim at age 8, don’t expect them to win in high school. Life is no different. God wants us to work on our weaknesses to grow into the best version of ourselves.
    2 Corinthians 11:30 says “I will boast in my weakness.” This is because just like a swimmer relies on their swim coach to perfect their stroke, our weaknesses causes us to rely on God to help us correct our shortcomings. We have the freewill to accept his critiques or to dismiss him. But if you had the best coach in the game, wouldn’t you want to listen to them?
    How do we do this? Just like in swimming, you work on one thing at a time. If you struggle with eating excessively, being on Instagram too long, not doing your homework, staying up late, and yelling at your family, pick only one to work on. Set goals. Commit to finishing your homework before you go on social media. Or perhaps just work on getting to bed at a reasonable hour. Maybe count to 10 before responding to family when you’re upset. Once we are able to overcome one of our weaknesses, we feel empowered to tackle another and another. As our weaknesses decrease, we are preparing to accomplish our life goal...and that’s to get to Heaven. The path may be filled with bumps, curves, and rough patches, but these struggles allow us to fully experience the beauty that awaits us at the Pearly Gates (Revelation 21:21).

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