Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Catholic Tracker

    Activity trackers like the Fitbit are one of the hottest Christmas gifts this year. It keeps track of your activity throughout the day. It collects the data to show you what days you're more active. And just wearing it can be a nice reminder to use the stairs rather than the elevator because you’ll get more points.
    Imagine if there was a Catholic tracker you could get. You get points for praying, doing good deeds, participating in Mass, etc. It could remind you to pray for the bully who picked on you or the jerk who cut you off in traffic rather than cussing them out. When you’re at school, and you see someone struggling with their books, it would remind you to help them. If someone needs a ride, you offer to take them. At the end of the day, you could see how many points you’ve got. You can look at the data over the last few months and see what days you’re succeeding or having setbacks in.
    The greatest thing about God is that he can’t love us any more or less for the things we do. The data collected by this Catholic tracker would be used for your personal growth. God wants you to be the best version of yourself. He doesn’t want you to imitate someone else or to be mediocre. He wants you to be great. The challenges we face each day can either take us down, or we can use them as a stepping stone to grow closer to God. Tracking ourselves can be the encouragement to keep going, or the swift kick in the butt we need to get back on track. Getting to Heaven is a marathon, not a sprint.

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