Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Are Some of Us Beyond's God's Forgiveness?

     God is goodness itself and everyone knows it. How can I make such a bold accusation? It’s simple. Most of the nonbelievers I talk to admit that God wouldn’t want them anyway because of their past. It’s said in a joking way, but there is a big element of truth to this statement. A lot of people feel shame at the thought of God. This is because we don’t see God as God; we see God as having human emotions. Even though we hear God is love, we think “how can someone who’s perfect really love me after I lied, cheated, and stole from Him? I wouldn’t take me back.” Every time we sin, we think it’s bigger than God’s forgiveness.
     Many of us feel that we are damaged goods. Maybe you stole from your brother; oh wait, that was Jacob. Maybe you killed somebody; oh wait, that was Moses. Maybe you committed adultery and killed somebody; oh wait, that was King David. Maybe you beat and murdered Christians; oh wait, that was St. Paul. These four men are four of the most influential people in the Bible. Without Jacob, there would be no nation of Israel. Without Moses, the Israelites would have remained in slavery. Jesus was a descendant of King David. St. Paul wrote most of the New Testament and helped lead the early Christians. God didn’t see these men as garbage or enemies, He looked at them, smiled, and said, “Hey Holy Spirit, check out what I can do with this."
     Okay, maybe it didn’t go down exactly like that, but you get the idea. None of these men earned the tasks God gave them, but God didn’t hesitate to entrust His people with each of them. You may feel that your sin is great, but know that God’s mercy is so much greater. A decent comparison is your sin is like a piece of sand, and God’s mercy is the ocean. If you give your sin to God, that sin will be washed away, never to be seen again. You are made anew…how will you live your newly forgiven life?


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