Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Time is Not Money...It's Much More Valuable

We know the saying “time is money,” but isn’t time more valuable? I can always get more money, but I can’t get more time with a lost loved one? I was blessed to have two loving parents, my dad relocated to Heaven last October. In the time my dad was on earth, he made the most of it. Although he worked, he only missed a handful of my soccer or baseball games. My dad was always in the crowd supporting me. My dad taught me how to love and respect others, play sports, work around the house, raise a family, and much more all before I turned 25. My dad loved and valued his family. He took us on many family vacations and that meant geared toward us kids, He would visit all of us at our jobs as we got older, to meet our co-workers and of course he knew our friends. He made time to make all of us feel special by spending one on one time with each of us. When the day came the Lord called my dad home, although we wanted more time with him, we knew we didn’t miss out on the time we did have. Dad knew the value of investing time with his family.
We don’t know how long we have in this world, so I encourage you to get more involved with your family and express your love, so that if something happens, you too, can have no regrets and if nothing happens, you have an awesome relationship with the people who love you the most.

One way to start a stronger family relationship is by having a family game night once a week or once a month and to get/stay involved with your family members’ events. The more we support each other, the stronger we become.

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