Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Perfection...Is It Possible?

    You ever hear the phrase “nobody’s perfect!” If you’re like me, you've used that phrase...a lot. But let’s seriously think about it, is it possible to become perfect? states that perfect is entirely without flaws, defects, or shortcomings. I know what you’re thinking, “but Jason, Matthew 5:48 says ’So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.’ I can’t do that! I have flaws!” Well, has a second definition as well. It states that perfect is “exactly fitting the need in a certain situation or for a certain purpose.” Changes it up, doesn't it?
    We think, “I can’t be perfect, so why even try. I’m just setting myself up for failure.” That is the devil, the father of lies, talking. Ain't no body got time for him. Have you ever helped someone in need? Could have been on a mission trip, at a soup kitchen, held the door for someone with their hands full, congratulated someone, shared a meal, gave money, spent time with someone, or did an act of charity for someone else? At those moments, you exactly fit the need in that certain situation; therefore, you were perfect.
    We have moments of perfection everyday. Unfortunately, we also have moments of sin everyday. But Christ is calling us to perfection. That could mean washing the dishes, spending time with a friend, not getting drunk, not using someone’s body for personal pleasure, letting someone else use your jacket, sharing a Cliff Bar with someone who is hungry, there are many different ways to be perfect for a moment. The way to become more perfect is to string the little bits of perfection together and decrease the number and severity of the sins. That is done through self reflection every night and confession at least once a month. God gives you opportunities to become perfect, how will you respond to them?

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