Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Is it Wrong to Question Your Faith?

  Questioning often gets confused with doubt. Some people say “I’m questioning the existence of God.” If they were honest with themselves, it would translate to “I’m doubting God’s existence.” Because a question is searching for an answer. If I ask how old Stacy is, I am asking others in search of the answer.
    So in truth, it is great to be constantly questioning your faith because it allows you to dig deeper into it. So if you are questioning the stance the Church takes on homosexuality, have you looked at the Catechism in paragraph 2357? What about the next paragraph that states it is a major sin to treat them with anything but love? The Church does not condemn someone for their sexual preferences, but unfortunately people often do.
    Confusion of these topics come from sinners and hypocrites. Some people think the Church is full of them, but that’s just not true, there’s always room for more. In John 8:7, Jesus said, “Let he who is without sin throw the first stone.” We all sin. We are so quick to judge those who have different views than us that we forget to express charity (love) toward them. That very well could be the reason why that person who supports abortion feels excluded from the Church. The pro-choice person sees pro-lifers as saying no to the woman when in actuality it is a strong “yes, you can be a mother, and let us help you.” There are people who have been waiting for years to adopt a child. There are also clinics and houses to help these mothers go through pregnancy.
    The Church values each individual, whether that person is: gay, straight, has special needs, handicapped, a criminal, Muslim, Jewish, in the womb, or outside of it. Help the Church pass on this message of love. And continue to question the faith...just make sure to find the true answer.

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