Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Going Past the Words

Did You Catch It?
    So last week’s article (Click to read first) was about trusting in God and realizing that even though Jesus was stressed and felt abandoned, he never stopped trusting in God. But in the article, did you catch the 6 Backstreet Boys song titles? What about the 4 songs by Avril lavigne? Or the one 98 Degrees song? Or perhaps the NSYNC song? Did you catch some of them?
    I’m sure you’re asking “Why would Jason do that?” First of all, the Backstreet Boys and Avril Lavigne performed a few weeks ago at DTE and I wanted to make reference to them. But another reason is to show how little we think when we read. Some facts about me are: I’m a 90s kid, love 90s music, went to the BSB’s concert June 17th, and love to give hidden references to see who catches on to them. Now that you know a little more of my background, you may have caught more of the references.
    Same thing goes for scripture. The Book of Psalms are prayers from King David. Psalm 22:1 “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” 1 Samuel 13:14 said that David is a man after God’s own heart. Even King David didn’t always feel God’s presence.
    Let’s look at John 21, when Jesus asked Peter after the resurrection, “Do you love me?” Peter responded, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus responded, “Feed my sheep.” This happened 3 times. Jesus did this to counter the three times Peter denied Jesus. In Scripture, the number 3 means completeness. Christ gave Peter the opportunity to know that he was completely forgiven. Jesus then gave him the task “feed my sheep,” reaffirming that Peter was to be the head of the Church even after the denials.
    The New Testament reveals the Old Testament. I encourage you to join a bible study to learn more about the faith. In only a few classes, my whole perception of the bible changed. 

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