Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Is Christ Your Cellphone App?

    I have a lot of great apps on my phone that I'm always using. Messenger, Sports Alerts, ESPN, Music, Mail, Maps, and FitBit are my heavily used apps. But I also  have some that go unused such as Tips, Wordpress, Stocks, Compass, and more. It got me thinking...if Christ was an app, how much would I click on him? How long would I stay in the app?
    Sometimes it seems that if Christ was an app, I would use him throughout the day. I'd open him before every meal, before bed, and when I felt scared. But someone told me that Christ wants more. So I'd pray more, and try to have the Christ app run in the background. It seemed like I had a low battery in my life with always dragging Jesus around. I prayed and asked God "how can I live like this? I don't want to be dragging you around like this?" Christ's response was "Don't, let me run your life."
    Christ can't just be an app on your phone; you need him to be the operating system. It is the only way to have Christ at the center of your life. You may be thinking "But if I have God as the center of my life, I'll have to change." If following God doesn't force you to change your life, then you're making yourself God. Without your operating system, you couldn't function. Without Christ, we don't function very well. A lot of people think that more success and money will mean more happiness, but it doesn't. Letting Christ take control of your life brings us the ultimate form of happiness. How much control have you given Christ in your life? How can you give it all to him?

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