Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Why We Sin

  "You're only cheating yourself!" Have you ever heard that from a coach, teacher, or parent? Maybe even all three. Our coach would yell this when we would cut corners during our sprints, or when we tried to skip a lap. My team would act like we did all the laps from time to time because we wanted to end sooner, get to the end of the run. But the end of the run wasn't our destination...we wanted to be state champs. That is a great way to describe sin.
    Sin is when we see an end that we want, but we cut corners to get it. Example: I want to get an A...oh look, the answer key! Sin grabs the goal without doing the expected work. If this happens in math, you don't learn; if it happens during conditioning, it causes weariness during the games. So why do we keep cheating ourselves?
    It's easy! We want the satisfaction right away. Constantly sinning/cheating breaks down our potential. If Michael Phelps didn't train 8 hours a day, he wouldn't have broken records.
    If you cut the sins, life cheats, that are holding you back, what would you become? Studying hard, staying physically active, growing in your friendships, you could have the coolest life ever where every night in your prayer you say, "God...we kicked butt today!"

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