Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Life is Like a Baseball Game...

    I'm a baseball fan. One of my favorite plays to watch is the steal. As soon as the pitcher motions towards home, the runner takes off. It's a race between the runner and the ball to the bag. The catcher riffles it to second just before the runner does a head first slide toward the bag. As soon as the runner touches the bag he grabs it and won't let go until the ball is away from him. What a great example of God, huh?
    Life is just like running the bases. When you're standing on a base, getting tagged by the ball has no effect. However, even if you're a hair off the bag, when you're tagged, you're out. Now think of God as the base, when you're with God, the Devil can try all he wants, but as long as you're in God's presence, you're safe. But as soon as you're away from God, whether by an inch or a mile, the devil is after you. He may be in left field, but he's making a direct route to get to you before you get back to God. But unlike actual baseball, there's a lot of false bases.
    What I mean is that rather than running to God's safety, we stop at false gods. These false gods make us feel safe, but when we're tagged, it's over. Those false safe zones could be drugs, porn, video games, social media, phones, music, the internet, etc. Sometimes in the craziness of life we run and cling to these things to feel safe. "I don't know anyone here. If I go on my phone, I won't feel so lonely." "Another girl turned me down, but the internet won't say no." We turn to these things to get love and comfort, but it leaves us feeling like Wolverine fans after the U of M/MSU game. Don't do it!!!! It's not a good feeling. Because you will feel lost and left out to dry. But just like baseball, we'll get another shot at the plate...this time, keep it simple and run to God.

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