Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Calming The Storm

Let's walk through this Sunday's Gospel reading:
    You're on a boat with about 8 other people. There's a few more boats around you with your friends on them. You set out into the water. As night falls, you can no longer see the shore. Then clouds begin to form. A cool wind rushes over the water and the rain starts. The wind picks up and there are sheets of water coming down. The boat is rocking over 5 foot waves. Crates and other cargo are sliding around the deck.
    In all this mayhem you turn to the back of the boat and you see Jesus sleeping. You run over to him and beg him to wake up. You shout "Don't you care that we could die!" Jesus stands up, holds out his hand and the storm stops. The sea turns as smooth as glass, barely a ripple in the water.
    You look up at Christ. What's going through your mind? What do you want to tell him right there? What storm are you going through? Tell Christ to calm the storm.
    In the passage, the storm died down. In life, that's not always the case. You may continue to be bullied or other unfortunate things may continue to happen. But calling on Christ will calm the storm in your heart. So that even if total chaos is around you, you'll be peaceful and know what to do. In your storm, know that Christ cares so much about you; more than your friends, parents, and yourself combined. Don't just trust that God will be there for you, know that he will. God created you. He has your best interests at heart. He will protect you in the storm and calm your heart. Christ will never fail you. If you think he's not answering, pray louder, this passage says he may be a heavy sleeper ;)

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