Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Overcoming Pornography Addition

Here are some tips to overcome pornography addiction:

Pray with purpose: Ask to be healed. Bringing God's grace into your life will make a huge change in your life if you let it.
"My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness." 

Pray for those involved: If a porn star pops into your mind, think of it as God reminding you to pray for him/her. The Father of Lies will not temp you as much if you turn his evil into good.

Get to Reconciliation: For Catholics, we have the opportunity to reconcile with God as often as needed. Going to Confession each time you fall gives new graces and really makes you think "Do I want to confess this again?"

Fast: Prayer without fasting is like boxing with one hand tied behind your back. Addiction is caused by the wants of the body. Fasting forces your mind to overcome your body which gives you more control in your life. If you can't say no, what is your yes really worth?

Accountability: Find friends who you can talk to about your struggles. Report to each other every week. Don't think you need to fight this battle alone. Pray for one another.
Where one alone may be overcome, two together can resist. A three-ply bored is not easily broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12

Think of your future: When you get married, there is not a switch behind the altar that will turn you into the perfect husband or wife. The challenges before marriage will follow you into marriage. If you're unfaithful to your spouse before the wedding, don't expect a change after. 

Avoid temptation: Keep the computer in a public room in the house. If you live alone, go to a coffee shop for the internet. If you're tempted, call a friend, pray, do 30 pushups, go for a walk, knock a punching bag, go out to dinner, etc.

The Heads Up Challenge: We often don't realize the lust we let go through our minds every day. Whenever you inappropriately look at someone, say a Hail Mary for that person.

Be a warrior: The best thing to overcome addiction is to be a warrior. Fight the urge to sin with everything you can. Choose love over lust.

Online Resources

Covenant Eyes: An internet filter with accountability.

The Porn Effect: A website with facts, battle plans, and encouragement to overcome pornography addiction.

Fight the New Drug: A website with a plethora of articles, facts, ways to get involved, battle plans, and more.

Fortify Program: A program that helps track your successes and setbacks as well as gives you short videos that breaks down the battle of pornography addiction into more smaller battles.

    Sexual sin is not here because our passions are too strong, but because our passions are too weak. Rather than having the amazing fruit which God provides to us through love, many of us settle for the rotten fruit we found on the ground just because it's easier and we are hungry. Don't settle for the fake love you find on the internet, with yourself, or with someone who you didn't commit your life to. God wants to give you the best...are you willing to receive it?

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