Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Happiness...Where are You!?!?

    Where does happiness come from? Everyone seems to be searching, but not that many people seem very happy. Let's dig into happiness to find its roots.
    What makes you happy? Netflix? Ice cream? Going to a concert? All these things bring instant happiness. So what if we always watched Netflix and ate ice cream, would that be complete happiness? Yeah, until you threw up. So what else makes you happy? Being good at something, perhaps good at math. But what happens when you're out of math class? does that end your happiness? There has to be something that creates happiness that doesn't have to end.
    Happiness is found in gifts. God gives each of us a unique set of gifts. Some of us could be athletic, musical, intelligent, wise, strong, compassionate, creative, etc. Why did God give you your specific gifts? To use them to better yourself? Or did he give them to you to build up those around you?
    A gift isn't a gift until you give it away. It's the same for happiness. If you are always trying to get happiness, you will be disappointed. But if you are constantly sharing your gifts with others, you are making those around you happier which in turn makes you happy. Try it out. Do nice things for your family this week and assess how happy you feel at the end of the week. You won't be disappointed.

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