Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


I heard someone say that there is no such thing as lazy people, just messed up priorities. Whether you agree or disagree, it gives a new angle to laziness. Someone who watches Netflix before chores values movies over a clean house. Someone who willingly skips Mass or personal prayer puts themselves above God. If someone wants to play their sport in college, but doesn’t practice as much as playing video games, that person will be watching the games from the crowd.
These may sound harsh. I mean, people say ignorance is bliss...but knowledge is power. Five years from now, who’s going to be making more of an impact in the world, the person in bliss watching Netflix, or the one who put their future goals as their priority?
Now I’m not saying Netflix and such are evil, but what do you value most? Does the time you spend match up with your priorities? If I want my health to be a priority, but don’t workout and eat healthy, my health isn’t really a priority. I want to make God my priority. Over the last month I’ve been going to Mass twice a week and praying five minutes a day...compared to the time I’ve been watching TV, it doesn’t come close. So I’m trying to pray whenever I get in my car, wash my hands, etc. Little reminders to keep God at the top of my list.
Be bold, plan for success. Will you fall short from time to time? Yes. But make that effort. Your future is not shaped by what you do tomorrow, it’s shaped by what you do today. So don’t put off until tomorrow what you can accomplish today.

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