Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Why Distractions During Prayer are Awesome!!!!!

Prayer Just Became Easier
    Prayer is communication with God, right?     What happens when the communication breaks? “Dear God, thank you for...for...for...I wonder how the Wings are doing tonight. Oh, my bad. God, Thank you for the Red Wings, and...and…” Sound familiar? It may not have been the Wings, but we’ve all had moments of distraction in prayer. It’s human! But God doesn’t hang on our distractions. St. Francis de Sales shared that we should not focus on the fact that we were distracted, but that we returned to Christ in prayer. So rather than being disappointed about being distracted 30 times in 15  minutes, feel accomplished in the fact that you said “Yes” to God 30 times in 15 minutes. Your commitment to return to Christ shows your true love for God. And the more you say “yes” to God, the less distractions will occur.
    But why do we have distractions in the first place? It’s what’s on your mind. If you’re trying to pray and you can’t stop thinking about that girl/guy, pray for that person. Invite your distractions into your prayer life because the reason those thoughts are coming to you is because they are your highest priorities. Your highest priorities should be shared with God.
    In short, don’t let distractions take you away from prayer, invite them in and continue to say “yes” to Christ.

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