Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


So there is this great video by Cheerios titled #HowToDad. Got me thinking about, "How can we ministry?"
The first big question is, "Am I called to be a minister?" The answer is a definite "yes." When I say “minister,” I’m not only talking about priests, monks, and nuns, I’m talking about you and I who forget that we have a chance to minister (show people Christ) everyday. Being a minister and preacher are not always the same. The majority who minister to me are ordinary people.
For example, last Sunday I did the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS (dump ice water over yourself) and then challenged three friends. Within a half hour, I got a text from my buddy, “You better have that bucket ready when I come over tonight!” It may seem small, but when you see someone dump really cold water on himself to help raise awareness and money to research a disease your dad died from, you see Christ in that person. Doing ministry isn’t about knowing the theological answer to how transubstantiation occurs, it’s about being Christ to others through your actions. It could be helping those in Haiti, doing the ice bucket challenge, praying with others, or even giving someone a compliment. So next time you have a chance to minister (i.e. every moment you're with someone else), don't simply talk about Christ, be Christ to them. Even the most tasteful foods can be disgusting when they're being shoved down one's throat.

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