Someone asked me how to pray, all I could think to say was “just remember to KISS.” After a blank stare, it was obvious this person hasn't taken any business classes. KISS is a business acronym which stands for “Keep it simple, silly.” So let’s simplify God’s relationship with us. Straight up, God is awesome. I mean, he rose from the dead, forgives our stupidity (countless times), and comes to us in the form of bread and wine. Then there’s you, who has done none of those things, and yet God thinks you are so awesome that he did all of those things just for you.
Our love is tested when someone lies to us or betrays us. But God is like “Dude, come back. I still love you!” God can’t not love us because it would be a contradiction. When he made us, he made us in his image. In other words, he put himself in each and every one of us. So if he denies us, he’d be denying himself. God can’t do that.
So stop thinking God doesn't love you as much as he loves Johnny, priests, or Mother Teresa. He does. He loves you more than anything. The difference between us and Mother Theresa isn't God’s love for her, but her love for God.
How can we love God more? Let’s keep it simple by just keeping God up to date. “God, my day stinks. Sam dumped me.” “God, I’m going to watch some TV to relax. Criminal Minds, but I’ll get back to work after one episode.” Prayer doesn't need to last two hours on your knees. I've got four “go-to” prayers I’d like to share with you, the Hail Mary (Gotta love our Blessed Mother), “JESUS HELP ME!!!!!” “Thank you, God,” and “Jesus, I trust in you.” Find out what short prayer works for you and get into a habit of praying it. If you’re ever asked to pray out loud or are feeling overwhelmed, just remember to KISS, keep it simple, silly.