Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Name Game

    Have you ever been in the situation of "JASON!!! How have you been!?!?" And you have no idea who the person is? Or you introduce yourself to someone and they reply "we've met before." It's an awkward feeling because it shows the other person they didn't make enough of an impact for you to remember their name. Sometimes I'll forget people's names within the first five seconds of meeting them.
    When someone calls you by name, you feel included, at the very least you feel important enough for someone to know your name. Knowing names is crucial to grow any type of community. That is why I take remembering names at youth group events very seriously. I want each teen to feel welcomed. But when I forget names as they come out their mouths, I needed to learn a few tricks fast.
    One way that helps me remember names is to repeat their name. "Jackie? Nice to meet you, Jackie. So Jackie, what's a hobby you like to do?" Another trick I use is the first couple weeks of youth group the ice breakers focus around name association. And lastly, when I failed to remember their name, I'd give them a dollar. It makes teens excited you forgot their name.
    As youth group begins a new year this week, I ask for prayers for a strong memory so I can still afford Christmas gifts this year.
    Other tricks for remembering names is asking them to spell it "Theresa? With or without the 'h?'" Or add something to their name like Jazzy Jeff, Athletic Adam, Will the Thrill, Zac attach, etc. And lastly, if you feel someone forgot your name, use it in a story. "I was walking on the dock last week and someone said "Jason! Look at that rainbow!'"

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