Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Let's Get Ready To RUMBLE!!!!!!!!!

    Life is like a boxing match. Yes, many of us were disappointed in what turned out to be the Mayweather/Pacquiao dance off, but I digress. On a more positive note, in boxing, you need to keep your pace. If you stay with your opponent, it means that you're letting them dictate the bout and you will lose. In life, we allow what goes on around us to dictate how we act. Let's say you failed a test. That's a solid punch in the nose. Do you study more next time, or do you think "I hate my life. This test punched me in the nose." If a boxer did that in the ring, they'd get knocked again and again and again.
    Bad things are going to happen to us. We can't change the past, but we can use it to improve the future. If you keep forgetting to do your chores and you get grounded. That's like a boxer letting his defenses slip and get hit with a left cross. Learn to keep that right hand up to block the next left cross of your parents grounding you by doing the chores on time.
    "Jason, why'd you use boxing?" Because if you give up you get beaten worse. Life is about rolling with the punches and making adjustments as needed. So next time you get hit with a bad grade, a break up, bad news, or something else, are you going to just complain, or are you going to learn to defend against it the next time?

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