Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Live in the Moment

    Freedom is the ability to live your life with excellence. No one wakes up in the morning and thinks “Wow, I hope I have a bad day.” God didn’t give each of us life to spend it in front of a screen. He wants us to actually live life. So when we say “live a life with excellence,” what does it mean?
    To live a life with excellence means the ability to choose the good. You may not want to wake up in the morning for school, I know I didn’t, but you choose to go to school because it will be more beneficial to you. Choosing to go play soccer with friends rather than sit in the room playing Xbox shows that you’re valuing your relationships over material things.

    In short, freedom is living in the moment. When you’re in Mass, with friends, at school, or with your family, can you enjoy the company without worrying about what’s going on after, what’s on Twitter/Instagram, or if someone has texted you in the last 20 seconds. We have a tendency to want to live in comfort, but freedom is about living in the moment…are you living in the moment or hiding from it?

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