Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Freedom Isn't Free

     As we age, we receive more responsibilities. My nephew who is 2 years old, really only has the responsibility of not stepping on his little brother’s head. But his freedom is limited to his mother’s line of sight for most of the day.
     In high school, you have more responsibilities than not stepping on small children. If not already, you will soon have the ability to drive. But with it comes the responsibility of making sure there’s gas in the car, that you are following the laws of the road, that you pay attention to your surroundings, and that you know how to get yourself home. Having a cell phone means you’re responsible to not lose or break it, and if you do, it’s your responsibility to figure out how to get the phone back or how to get a new one.
     Another freedom that many high schoolers experience is dating. With dating comes the responsibility of respecting your date’s body even if he/she doesn’t (i.e. stay away from the bathing suit areas). The parents of your date are trusting that you will treat their child with respect and dignity, don’t disappoint.
     Then there’s your parents. They have a lot of freedoms. They can stay out late, drink, buy a boat, go on vacation, and more. But they also have a lot of responsibilities like paying the bills, saving for retirement, upkeep on the house, and caring for you and possible siblings just to name a few. So be patient with your parents when you think they’re being unfair, they have a lot more going on than meets the eye, and they want to keep you safe.
     Earning freedoms is like earning trust. If you want to have more freedom, show that you can handle the responsibilities by doing the yard work without being told, coming home early on a school night, doing your homework before hanging out with friends, helping your parents with some of their responsibilities, etc. The fact is, if you can’t handle the responsibility, you don’t deserve that freedom #TruthBomb.

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