There is a new drug that has been spreading like wild fire. This drug is known as pornography. It is introduced to 9 out of 10 kids between the ages of 8 and 16 years old (most cases are accidental). It brings in over $13 billion dollars in revenue in the US alone (Hollywood is $8.8 billion). 25% of search engine requests are pornographic. 2.5 billion daily emails are pornographic. Child pornography images have increased 1500% since 1988 (over 20,000 new images posted weekly). 50% of Christian men admit to a pornography addiction (20% of Christian women). Porn is as addictive as heroine and other hard drugs.
You may be thinking "how does this happen?" Let's look at it scientifically. Porn goes in through the eyes and into the brain, where it releases "feel good" chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin, epinephrine, and oxytocin at unnaturally high levels. Because of the sensation that activity creates, people do it again and again and again. Eventually, your body gets used to that high and you "need" more. So how does this effect us?
Porn causes men and women to look at each other as sexual objects rather than human beings. This causes trouble during dating. Dating is supposed to be learning more about the other person, but when so much time is spent lusting after the body, the personality is never seen or appreciated. St. John Paul the Great said, "The problem with pornography is not that it shows too much of the person, but that it shows far too little." If you want a real relationship, you have to see the other person for who they truly are, a creation of God. Anything less and you're cheating the other person as well as yourself. Even if the person doesn't see themselves as a creation of God; it's your job to reveal it.
We cannot fight lust and pornography alone; we need a community. If you struggle with porn (or any addiction), talk to someone about it (your priest, youth minister, friend, parent). Form an accountability group where you meet every week and share not only your struggles, but brainstorm ideas on how to overcome them. There are people like Matt Fradd, Jason Evert, Chrystalina Evert, and Audrey Assad who have struggled with lust; but now tour the world helping others overcome the addiction. Give God your struggles and he will use them for his glory by helping you help others. Until next time, keep praying.
Click here to view tips to overcome porn addiction.
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