Baby Steps to Jesus

Baby Steps to Jesus

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Untapped Greatness

    Are you tired of blah? God has called you to a life a greatness, but maybe lately it's just been mediocre. If this is you, I've got the secret that allows you to see your value. That secret is doing things with purpose.
    If you're human, you've gone thru the motions. An example is going to mass, doing all the right motions, and then you're row stands up for Communion and you're like "whoa." This happens from time to time, but if this seems to be a common trait, you're probably lacking purpose.
    We're going to get a little philosophical here...When we go thru the motions we are doing things for an end in themselves. For example, I pray to check it off the list. Or I'm eating breakfast to eat to eat breakfast. Those are both good things, but your heart isn't in it. That causes you to be missing out on an opportunity to be better. Finding purpose can be found with the simple trigger word of "why?"
    When we realize the purpose of our daily tasks, we see a greater value in the small things we do. The simple trick to find the purpose in things is before you do anything ask the question "why am I doing this?" Try it for a week. "Why am I doing learn the material." "Why am I build my relationship with God." "Why am I eating give myself energy for the day." Why am I at Mass...because my parents dragged me...why did they drag I can thank God for the many blessings in my life." "Why am I watching relax with the family." "Why am I on my twelfth straight episode of 24: good reason. Time to get off the couch and be productive again." These little things can cause a huge change in your life.
    Why wouldn't you give this a try? It takes no time out of your life. It will increase your productivity. It will increase your happiness. It will show you greater self worth. You will be doing God's will in your life. If you're having doubts before trying it, those thoughts could be from the evil one. Don't let him hide the light you are to this world.